Tsodruk Rangdrol (1781-1851), the great Tibetan yogi who espoused
the ideals of vegetarianism.
Shabkars attitude toward the different schools of Tibetan
Buddhism was unclouded by even the slightest trace of sectarian
bias. No doubt this was due primarily to his free and independent
lifestyle, uncomplicated by institutional allegiances or dependence
on benefactors. He lived an entirely hand-to-mouth existence. He
had no fixed abode and reduced his own needs to an absolute minimum.
He is often venerated as an emanation of Manjushrimitra (jam
dpal bshes gnyen), one of the patriarchs of the Dzogchen lineage
of the Nyingma school. He has been recognized as the incarnation
of the master Ngulchu Gyalse Thogme, much venerated by the Sakyapas,
and as the rebirth of Chengawa Lodro Gyaltsen, a close disciple
of Je Milarepa.
Dharma was for him a matter of personal insight and training, not
of allegiance to a school. He loved the Buddhas teaching in
all its manifestations, and his attitude to all traditions was one
of unfeigned devotion.
Shabkar was famous for his affection and concern for animals. His
attitude was an expression not only of personal sympathy and aesthetic
appreciation; it was rooted in his understanding of Buddhist teaching
as can be read in the book Food for Bodhisattavs containing
two works of Shabkar and his autobiography translated by Matthieu
Ricard (references).
English introduction of Food for Bodhisattvas: PDF
(357 KB).
Shorter Vietnamese version of the introduction: PDF
(167 KB).
Full Romanian translation of Food of Bodhisattvas:
(800 KB)